Jesse Wyatt

This is Baby Jesse's life.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Monday, October 09, 2006

These are some more pictures from Jesse's first birthday.

These pictures are from Jesse's first birthday party. He got to ride in his new car seat, and wasn't to sure about facing forward.

The one picture Jesse is playing with his daddy's military uniform. The first three are from when we went to see the UK vs Ole Miss game. Then the last picture is when Jesse is getting in trouble for climbing on things he shouldn't be.

The night pictures are from the July 4th Legend game. Jesse actually liked the fireworks. The pictures where we are dressed up is from Uncle Mack and Aunt Sue's wedding.

We took Jesse to see the Budweiser Clydesdales when they were at Keenland.

Here are some pictures from Easter.

Here are some pictures of Jesse over the past couple of months. Sorry it has been so long. Hopefully I can stay on top of it.